Rory Kinsella Meditation

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Meditation to cut down or quit drinking

Over the last year and a half since I gave up drinking I've heard from so many people about how they want to cut down or quit drinking themselves but don't know where to start.

For me, meditation has been such a strong driver of making it possible that for the last six months I've been putting together an online guided meditation course to give people the skills they need to use meditation themselves to help them cut down.

If you have any friends you think would benefit from this, please share it with them. And if you'd like to see how your practice can help you cut down drinking, give it a try. The course uses a generic mantra, but you can substitute this with the mantra I gave you.

How does meditation help cut down on alcohol?


Dealing with stress and unwinding at the end of the day or week is one of the biggest reasons people drink – and meditation is a simple swap you can do for this. It's way more effective at stress release and will give you more energy rather than making you tired.

Impulse control

It only takes one weak moment to break a stint of not drinking but meditation actually strengthens the part of your brain responsible for decision making and impulse control (the cortex), which means you'll find it a lot easier to resist temptations.

Peer pressure

Other people trying to get you to drink is another big hurdle to get over in cutting down. Meditation is great at making you more comfortable in your skin and more sure of your boundaries. It gives you the confidence to stick to what you believe in and not cave to pressure from others.

How does the course work?

To make this course more accessible, I've made it online and at a very affordable cost (AUD$49). Once you sign up, you get 31 guided 15-minute meditations that will teach you a simple and effective way to relax, all with the convenience of doing it on your own terms. It's the perfect companion to a month off alcohol and can set you up for taking longer off.

Find out more on the below link or reply to this email if you have any questions.


Learn more: How to quit drinking