What's the goal of meditation? There is no goal


Through our upbringing we’re conditioned to always be trying to achieve a particular outcome or goal.

From school to work to sport and hobbies, there’s usually a defined marker of success.

But in meditation there is no goal – we’re not trying to achieve a state of peace or tranquility beyond thought.

That might be an outcome of meditating but it’s not the process.

We don’t try to clear our mind of thoughts or have a deep experience.

Instead, we hold an intension lightly. We intend to think our mantra whenever we remember to.

But we’re almost guaranteed to forget it!

In fact, it’s designed to be forgotten.

Its job is to relax us and take us away from regular thinking so that our mind is able to unwind thoughts and stresses it has been holding onto.

Sometimes, as a by product of this, it’s able to fall silent – but the price of these deeper meditations is the shallower ones.

If we have a goal at all, it is to sit down to meditate every day.

Once we’ve closed our eyes, it’s time to drop all expectations and  our habitual outcome orientation.

What next? Learn Vedic Meditation in Bondi Junction.


After waking up I fall straight asleep again


When is a good time to start meditating? Right here is a good place to start